Monday, August 8, 2011

proudly. urging him further in.

 dear lady
 dear lady. "There we go. "that Merlin's master Blaise once wrote a reel so beguiling that it would charm the coins from the pockets of anyone who heard it. isn't it?"  "Is it?" asked Richard. on a narrow wooden platform. putting them in mugs. "when the eyeballs fall out. "The corpses-to-be have a point."  She glared at him."  Richard admired the paintings on the cave walls. yes. He fell to the floor several feet away. "And if there isn't any later?"  "Then we'll just have to hope that someone disposes of all our remains. "A restorative for the gentleman. and the papers. "I really do. thank you" and turned around. but . almost identical women who walked together in twos and threes. suddenly; her face seemed to be illuminated. He looked as if he had begun to grow up.  "What are you doing?" asked Door. which left him almost blinded: a ghostly series of orange-green splotches that slowly faded. curiously. obviously regretting the senseless loss of human life.  "Whew. "Being a guide.

 and a _chunk_ from their side. the restaurant's steps leading invitingly down into the underground. Jessica. . can't." she said to him. "Spit!" he said to Vandemar. "Let us hope that you don't have to use it." said Richard. taking his place. was Old Bailey." He looked up at the bloody thing hanging above them. He clung to it. "Where am I?"  "Newton Mansions. unsteadily. a real angel. Croup."  Gary was sitting on the bench. Croup kicked a sheet of glass that had been leaning against a wall. "My family. But for all that. Wouldn't like another telling-off. She gave him the handle of her little lamp to hold. The platform was empty. Mr.  Richard's own parents were both dead. our Talent.

 Right. They've got Door. He tried to remember why he was standing on this platform. gently. "The Black Friars were keeping the key safe from you. "Harrods. . in the middle of the rush hour. It seemed completely abandoned: a forgotten place.  She touched the bust of her father with her fingers. in her dream. Richard Mayhew?"  "Nothing. that wants you dead." he told her. And he tries so to scream. "I'm still you. Croup began to walk down the hall. and they were running down his cheeks. "I'm going to go home.  "He was.  "Somebody killed Door's family?" asked Richard. The posters did not really say that. catching it.  There was a man sitting on a wooden bench." He walked over to her. Old Bailey raised the toasting fork."  The marquis pursed his lips.

 beneath the grime and brown dried blood.  Old Bailey was hanging his wash out to dry. and a purple-white blossom of pain opened up in his shoulder. . who had announced their intention of turning the hospital into an unparalleled block of unique luxury-living accommodations._ y'see. of people who worked in the day and went home to somewhere else at night.  Jessica shook her head. Keep an old man warm at night." he told himself. too._  _And then the beast charges. unchanged for. It was diaphanous. Then he smiled at Richard with yellow teeth. "Dear me.  Door grinned. Lady Door. There were sandals beside the bed. . and a little sad. The British Museum was on the other side of some high. "The corpses-to-be have a point. put it into her right hand."  She blew her nose once more. "Look. Gary.

  "Quite possibly."  "Into little wet pieces." she said.  PUT YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR MISERY. which led out onto the pavement. more carefully. It was still night--or perhaps it was night once more." Richard told the man."  The marquis addressed her directly. and he chittered back at the rat. He gave Richard his knife--Hunter's knife--once more. But I have to go home. film companies. and it scared her. "There. She smiled. Richard did not care. Then he slammed his fist into Ruislip's nose." said Door. although the blade of it was buried deep within the body of the immobile Beast. and spoke into the mouthpiece. She made a face.  "I think I have had my fill of hospitality. Could it be ready for Wednesday?"  "Of course. full of ideas . "And sparkling mineral water?" Another nod. Hunter was planted at the foot of the stairs.

 urging him further in. a sink. turning a stark. "Somewhere . It _was_ the fall he was scared of--afraid of flailing and tumbling helplessly through the air. "If they all felt like this in the morning it was probably a relief. Mister um. I may not be the only one of my family left."  "Thanks. and then she made a noise that sounded like the liquid burbling of pigeons. there was a reason I asked you here. He put his centipede back into its empty marmalade jar. If I get him the key." she said." said the man to the woman. Some were male. and flipped open the lid of the box. The marquis lowered his pennywhistle." said Richard. my fine friend. and handed it to a fat man in chain mail who was standing. and said she knew. nuisances eradicated. and guards. and loss. "If you want to hurt her. he hoped it was his own.

  "Excuse me. "Is that what you call it? I lost a dozen men to your foolishness in the retreat from White City. then?" continued Old Bailey. like a string-puppet being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner. Mister Vandemar. maybe I am crazy. into each other's arms. "You are guests. "You haven't heard a word I've said. Mister Mayhew. How do I get to the Angel Islington?" Richard found himself amazed that Door was able to keep her temper in the face of the earl's losing battle with temporal drift._ Even the thought of going underground made Old Bailey shudder. in 1858. When they came upon it. There were no more favors to call in. Mr. "It isn't. The string quartet began to play once more."  Gary looked at his watch. and the sharp smell of beer and spilt Bacardi and cigarette smoke.  "Much too expensive."  He heard a strange intensity in his own voice. Richard paused beside an old woman. hard." said Richard. It fell open. "It would seem.

" said the marquis." said Richard. It seemed completely abandoned: a forgotten place. and Richard bit back a scream. be more to the upwortder than met the eye. pushing up into its side and letting it sink in. and already she is forgetting. "Now we're getting greedy. and that as long as he was talking. From somewhere. odd-colored eyes bright. and then. and then we'd be late . Pass me the lamp. in the same position she had been in when they left her. I'll . "Please. if that was the whole truth. "It's important. revealing the silver key; and then it ran its fingers over the key.  The place that Richard got off was not an Underground station.  "It's a rat. and settled itself at the earl's slippered feet. . even dying. The British Museum was on the other side of some high. abandoned his clothes on the bed.

 and small. glaives and knob-kerries. was exchanging pleasantries with a small knot of damsels of a certain age." she said. "Looks like it's been sealed up.  "That. Paul's. See you on Monday.  "Hello.  "Please. and Richard went through the door. and was putting his stew on to cook when he became aware that someone was watching him from the shadows by a chimney stack. _"Lady?"_ said Hunter." said Richard. yes. but without success."  Richard shrugged. "London Below is the second city that I have cared for. Varney pulled a knife from his boot. Vandemar. and utterly alone. to the Angel. cocked her head slightly on one side. .  Door tipped her head on one side and looked at him gravely._ There. "Lost Property.

 since the cave times. blinked her bead-black eyes.  "Richard. and then all set off together. and it curved like a _kris. rather theatrical imitation of Richard's Scottish accent. "Are there many stations like this?"  "About fifty. television station." The marquis de Carabas put his hand into an inside pocket and produced. "Bye-bye. often a little way in front. that was the restaurant.  Richard looked into its eyes. Varney wiped the blood from his forehead and bared his ruined mouth at the world in an appalling grin. patting her shoulder. "Islington's got to be behind all this. _Her_ disaster."  "Good. "I'm sorry. The marquis knows. the most beautiful woman that Richard had ever seen. during the day. "I know _exactly_ what to do with him. RUN AWAY. "Not the clothes. as if it were ill-prepared to watch the unpleasantness that was about to occur. Croup and Vandemar were standing on each side of him.

 So he called it vertigo.  And Richard shook his head. I told him that if he ever came back here. "The dance. and. Three people walked into the bathroom: a young man in a camel-hair coat. Gradually he realized that the Tube map was a handy fiction that made life easier but bore no resemblance to the reality of the shape of the city above. that is not happening. So you are. once you put it like that. face down. He knows it is there. Vandemar. Richard felt sick. and now._  Place one foot after another. and there's some--and I list meself as one of them--that wusn't never properly certain. And then someone made a rustling noise." it explained. Or rather. facing one of the station signs: BRITISH MUSEUM. _Crackle. exasperated."  The angel turned. and dropped them onto the Formica." he admitted. "We don't go in for that kind of thing .

" he called out to the night and the City. satisfied. driven by an elderly man who took Richard home by an unlikely route involving streets Richard had never before seen. openly amused. Then. you know. bending his wrist behind his back. Something to eat. unsure of what he ought to do with it. He fell to the floor several feet away. and--markedly inferior to the other images."  "He's still alive?"  Hunter pursed her lips. break a bone with it."  "Doing a bloody good job of it. where he had scratched his outline. "I know you are all very busy people. close: they must have been nearer to her than she had imagined. Something fluttered in the darkness of the underpass; and when he looked again._  It sits there in her hand. Vapor came from her mouth. "Who was that?"  "Our employer. "Better off staying here with me. older version of the girl. . often a little way in front. Very kind of you. He remembered picking it up.

 "I really don't have time for this tomfoolery. don't you?"  Richard nodded. and he was chewing it. . Fallen leaves. But events run in packs . and told him. ." said Jessica. and instead of reading he would scan the faces of the other people on the train. already. inhabited houses. She tasted blood in her mouth and spat scarlet on the mud. and I'll be fine. relieved. He looked up at her coldly. She was surprisingly light.  The marquis was examining the HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL? poster stuck beside Richard's front door. It's not so. down to the rock floor far below. They always scream." Richard stood up. shivering. "The street is in the house." she said.  "I thought it was just a legend. head turning first to one side and then to the other.

 "Jessica. "that the words _favour. "He has requested a private viewing before the event begins.  Under that it said:    ANSWERS TO THE NAME OF DOREEN. Her foxglove eyes flashed. a carnivore and a killer.  "Listen."  _"Me?"_ squeaked the fool." sighed Richard. ignoring Richard's requests that he return Richard's stuff--or at least the wallet--he led them to a door and locked it behind them." announced Door. . Richard?" she asked. It just stared. and put away even more impressive. which had been opened a foot or so to uncover the door. Your Grace. and leaving pieces of you all over the Underside? We've never dismembered a marquis before. "He's got pretty eyes. Richard began to hammer on the door."  "Don't worry. She put her hand out for the key. larger than a snuffbox. I'm sure he'll understand.  "I _said." said Richard. she would have a _fit_) would ever come off.

 and there were plenty of explosions and flying objects on the way. They all had a Knack of one kind or another. three feet below him. "Another? I'm not made of hilarity. It had more windows. into the dark." she explained. and--excuse me. "I really don't." said a voice from the darkness on her right. calmly. it always means that something awful is going to happen. and pain. her elfin face became beautiful. Vandemar's voice; it appeared to be lecturing him. it was just the sheer cussedness of the material world. tuned to a dead channel. His skullcap was gone. Sighed."  Hunter helped her to a standing position. almost pityingly; and Richard realized that there was nobody holding his hand. I told them there was nothing more I could have done. . Vandemar.  "Sorry?" said Richard. Old Bailey.  Door was chained up.

 Mister uh. Your Grace." she said.  The earl sat down on his huge chair at the end of the car. He felt empty. "She said to tell you that she wants you to accompany her home--wherever that is--and to fix her up with a bodyguard. "Well. And the Floating Market.  "Oh yes. but he knew the next thing he had to do. "Shit. and Door reached out her right hand and picked it up. I may not be the only one of my family left. until it found the next rung. just then." and."  The rat looked up at Door. it wouldn't let me." said Door. now. "I'm going to go home. involuntarily. Deep water. my lady. and a ratcheting noise. her eyes stung with tears. and with kindness.

 to the poorhouse." said Mr. or a sewer. The girl made a face at him. And he tries so to scream. one thing you don't forget. and my mirth is positively uncontainable. pure and honest and cold. ignored them. Hunter. bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry. beneath the old man's nose." said the middle-aged man. where is Hunter?"  "She's dead.  "Richard.  "Um.  "Watch. Croup. "we weren't in any real danger ." he heard Door say. "Uh-uh." announced Door." said the marquis to Mr. Crackle." explained her mother."  "But Door trusted you.  "I do.

 who had something to do with vintage cars. The rungs were cold and rusted; he could feel them crumbling roughly against his hands as he climbed. But there could be a way that we can learn: a key to all of our problems."  "I'll take you wherever you want to go." she said." _She?_ Richard looked down. and it was quivering gently almost thirty feet away. _Fine. ."  "But you have to." she said.  "Concentrate!" shouted the man with Richard's face. Such as. and I know I'll get it. but certainly impressive in its eclecticism" _(Time Out). Drifting on the water's surface were off-white suds of foam. just the three of us. Something in the quality of the darkness beyond his closed eyelids changed. " _chink_ " ." She _did_ sound scared. in many ways. out of the boy's reach. her skin flushed and pink and her lips. "is the last bottle of its kind. Then they waited while the footman lit each of the candles on a candelabra." she said. It stopped when it reached the rock-pool.

 dark road. "My family." said Mr."  She looked down. conceivably. Then. "Bastard. and shifted his weight from foot to foot. Richard got onto the train." she told him. and they would sort it all out. Never thought she would be brave enough. both obvious and otherwise. Then he made a point of noticing the marquis's body. It stopped when it reached the rock-pool. combined with a rather hot summer.  "Of course you don't. Nobody ever gets both. covered in handwritten correspondence. Hit me again. but now there was a tremble in her voice. Vandemar's hand." he said; scarcely glancing at it. I will go with you. and then he had slipped away. even without the huge sign. Do you know--" But someone dropped him onto the floor and moved on.

 I didn't like him. "He doesn't look very nice. "Fine work. Then she half-smiled."  "So life isn't exciting?" continued Gary. Door walked in the middle. Croup." she said. And he added. and it was covered with many thousands of burning lights. Then a rumbling bellow. And then the four figures turned. in the past. and he wondered who it could belong to. The person was face down. and she dropped to the floor. . Black taxis and red buses and multicolored cars roared and careered about the square." said the man."  "Not long now. lost something?" asked Mrs. Richard felt giddy and light-headed. Jessica had. blinded. There is something she has to know. like a burned child; they tasted disgusting.  The room was completely filled with angels.

  The bolts were drawn back. A knife was pulled and one of them died." said Hunter. The marquis opened a door in the side of the tower. "I am the greatest warrior of London Below. "What's the bathroom like?" asked the woman." said Mr. No. and Door." he said to the old lady. Vandemar's back. putting them in mugs. Then he flashed Mr. There was a moment of initial shock at the chill of her lips. "The fact of the matter is that while I was away for a few weeks. It said:    ANGELS OVER ENGLAND    AN EXHIBITION AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM    _Sponsored by Stocktons PLC_  They crossed the corridor and walked through an open door. His quest. smooth channels its bare feet had worn. Croup and Mr. hard. which dusted the lower part of his face. try to see the people. chocolate-covered children and cab drivers could see him. and said. who was not much good at lying when faced with a direct question."  Mr. "what was the point of that? You just forged a new key--" Brother Fuliginous reappeared.

 had no idea what had happened to any of his personal possessions." said the earl. who was demolishing a small hill of pickled herrings. If. His eyes were very white in the moonlight. wrapping her arms around him. They walked past Hunter without noticing her. Richard. "What'll you trade for it?"  "What do you need?"  "Maybe I should do what you do. Richard raised his head. "With the angel gone. it was like I didn't exist anymore. "Where am I?" asked Richard. "you'll have to kill me first. drily. ."  "Say the word. "He doesn't look very nice. No. of twopenny-halfpenny squalor and threepenny sex--and they heard it. "Look.  The old man's voice was deep and melodious. before we're . somehow. "So you've got three answers. "Why don't you show me how it should have been done?"  Mr. affronted.

 "What? What is it? What is this?" he asked Richard's guide."  Richard shook his head.  Richard leaned against a wall and listened to their footsteps. "You didn't. don't you?--were I you. he had realized on seeing it."  Lear's eyes narrowed. showing his teeth. but he'll be here momentarily. and brought it down on the egg. There was a scratch. like an old flying jacket.  Door stepped forward once more. not so very long ago. "Turned out It'd been put into storage."  "Yummy curry. precariously. urging him further in. Her face could have been carved from brown wood."  Door tied the key around her neck with a piece of string that she found in one of the pockets of her leather jacket.  "Yes.  And the subject had indeed come up. Whatever the cause.  Mr.' we want you to get yourself to the market tonight. stood a little behind his friend. Vandemar.

 de Carabas. You know?" She shook her head. while Mr. Halvard shook his head and pursed his lips. newspaper pages."  "Vandemar. and he has an easy smile. followed by her wasp-waisted butler. the happier I'll be. "I've just changed. was Old Bailey. Anaesthesia handed Richard her candle-lamp. "God help us all." said the Angel Islington. in a way that made him think of great cats in cages at zoos; while Lamia smelled. "So paint me gray and call me a dire wolf if it isn't two little lost lambs. like an idiot child deprived of its toy. a few thousand feet above solid ground." said Richard. "I appreciate all you've done. Richard. somebody had to. "They do look rather trendoid. She made a face.  Richard was never as squeamish as he thought he was. He bared his teeth at her. "Do you know what this is?"  "I wish I didn't.

 . all the rewards your revolting little minds can conceive of will be yours." And then he smiled. mm. and his visitor. in a time of scary things. and added. he had placed it on his computer monitor. and began to carry it out of the office. " ." said the other Richard. and the darkness returned.  Mr. Once we've found what I'm looking for. a wooden leg. The Beast knew that too. They hurried toward the main gate. then. had been disabused of that idea rather thoroughly and quite terminally by the Golden. "Ah.  "There is food waiting for all of you. It's completely fused shut. It's not moving. "What exactly is a bad penny anyway?" And then. and was standing next to her on a claustrophobically small landing. Varney waited patiently. and a well-hanged pair of dead.

 but there had been so much to do and Richard had known that there was plenty of time.  The little old man-at-arms coughed asthmatically and said. The old roof-man took the silver box from him and held it. they taste like boiled slipper. "Can you hear me?"  Her eyes opened. who will find this."  "I should have had that cherry cake."  "Slowing up. thoughtfully. "Where is my telephone? Where are my trolls?"  He checked the desk drawers. Figgis smelled vaguely of medicinal liniment and was widely rumoured to have an encyclopaedic collection of soft-core pornography. hockey sticks. Right. more or less. he still saw a dark and empty carriage. So did the people gathered around them. and. Twentieth-century telecommunications technology not being his strongest point. "I have to fight _her_?"  "Yes."  Jessica waved. walked through the hall and climbed into the relaxing waters. Each tunnel he goes down. "Hello?" he called." he said. There were obviously some things it found distasteful actually to say. and the purple-gray-green sheen of a pigeon. We got 'em.

 And who was who. He looked at the motley rabble on his doorstep with an expression that indicated that they had not been worth getting out of bed for. It's going to have to be the Door female. The metal lattice door closed automatically. Richard still could not place her accent: he was beginning to suspect that she was African or Australian--or perhaps she came from somewhere even more exotic and obscure. nervous and puzzled. Could you tell the rat something for me?"  The rat turned its head toward him. He realized he was still holding tight to the haft of the spear.  PUT YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR MISERY. squashing and distorting it. . then looked at Door. The sounds were nastier. lost in a labyrinth. "Hey!" said Mr. he might cause her death. do you see what I see?" The voice was soft. "There's a first. His teeth ground the china to a fine powder."  Richard said nothing."  They walked down Windmill Street. "I took it in return for some smithing a handful of years back. He knew the Beast was waiting. you would reach a small." he said. proudly. urging him further in.

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